Associate Membership Committee

Associate Membership Committee


Associate Membership makes up about 40% of NCWM's total membership.  This group serves the important role of bringing industry expertise and perspective to the standards development process.  The Associate Membership Committee (AMC) provides a structured environment for these members to organize, collaborate, participate in NCWM business decisions and support the common missions of NCWM.

The amount for Associate Member dues in excess of member dues is deposited into a special AMC account.  Any expenditure from this fund is at the authorization of the AMC and in accordance with their bylaws and policies.

The associate members are an essential element of a strong and effective standards development organization.  They bring expertise and insight that, when combined with regulatory and consumer interests, result in appropriate standards that serve everyone.

NCWM’s Associate members took an extra step of support in 1992 by requesting their dues be set at $15 above the dues for Active and Advisory members.  The extra amount is placed in a special AMC Fund and is used to support the mission of NCWM.  All expenditures from this fund are at the discretion of the AMC Committee which holds business meetings at each NCWM Interim and Annual Meeting. 

The AMC Fund has been used in many ways including website improvements, informational videos, support of regional associations and to offset expenses associated with training events for weights and measures officials.

Apply for AMC Funds for a Training Event

AMC Training Funds Application  (updated 10/03/2024)          

These guidelines highlight the criteria used by the AMC to assist in the approval process to allocate AMC funds for training.  They are established for the benefit of both the request initiator as well as the AMC, so that requests submitted are aligned with common goals and are more likely to be approved.  Furthermore, when requests exceed AMC funds available, these guidelines help prioritize which requests are approved among those submitted.

Requests for training funds will be evaluated at the annual and interim meetings of the associate membership.  NCWM staff collects and compiles the requested applications for AMC Training Funds.  The requests are given to the AMC Chair fifteen (15) days prior to annual and interim meetings.  During the meetings, the associate members vote on approval of all funding requests; including those for training.  Approved requests are noted in the meeting minutes and forwarded to NCWM.  Training funds may also be approved throughout the year by using Article IV, Section 3 and 4 of the AMC Bylaws.

  1. Training fund request forms that are complete, specific and detailed will receive priority attention for approval.  Based on the degree of missing or ambiguous information provided, individual requests may not be given any consideration during the AMC review process.
  2. Training requests that benefit higher numbers of participants are generally preferred over those for fewer or single-person benefit.  Multi-state training that encourages uniformity will also be given priority consideration.
  3. In general, attending meetings will not be considered training, especially requests for travel expense or attendance fees for NCWM Annual, Interim or Regional meetings.
  4. As a lower priority, requests for the purchase of training materials will be considered, but requests for purchase of assets (such as LCD projectors) will not.
  5. Reasonable funding for travel and expenses will be considered if it is necessary to acquire an “expert trainer” that would benefit a high number of Weights and Measures Officials.  This will be an option when qualified volunteers are not available.
  • Reimbursement for, and receipts, must be submitted within sixty (60) days following the training event.
  • Once granted, funds must be used only for the specific approved purpose.
  • Reimbursement requests must include legible receipts confirming funds were spent against the approved purpose.
  • Approved training funds that are not used remain in AMC control and subsequently become available for fund allocation at the next Interim Meeting.

AMC Training Funds Reimbursement Form  (updated 10/03/2024)

AMC Meeting Minutes