Publication 15
Publication 15
NCWM Publication 15 has complete agendas of the Standing Committees, NTEP Committee and Board of Directors.
Schedule of Events - (available closer to meeting date)
Attendee List - (available closer to meeting date)
Board of Directors Agenda-word version
Board of Directors Agenda- PDF Version
Committee Documents: (available closer to meeting date)
Laws and Regulations Committee Agenda- word version
Laws and Regulations Committee Agenda- PDF Version
L&R Supporting Documents:
- PAL-25.1
- Grab & Go Comments (8/12/2024)
- Grab & Go Reviews (8/12/2024)
- OTH-24.1
- Letter from James Hannum (01/03/2024)
- Letter from the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (06/28/2024)
- Letter from Lynden Transport (07/17/2024)
- Block 2: Reference ASTM Standards D8080 and D8487
- MOS-24.1-FLR-24.1-ASTM D8080 (08/15/2023)
Specifications and Tolerances Committee Agenda-word version
Specifications and Tolerances Committee Agenda-PDF version
NIST Papers
S&T Supporting Documents:
- GEN-25.1
- Updates from Submitter (10/7/2024)
- SCL-22.2
- Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Letter (12/07/2021)
- A&D Weighing Letter (01/04/2022)
- Cannabis Task Group Reviced Proposal (12/11/2023)
- SCL-25.1
- Letter from Ross Anderson (9/28/2024)
- AWS-24.1
- Updates from submitter and NIST (5/15/2024)
- HGM-23.1
- Presentation by Quong & Associates (12/22/2022)
- OTH-25.1
- Attachment B-NIST Special Publication 2200-05 (8/16/2024)
- Attachment C-Supporting Letters (8/16/2024)
- Attachment D-Sample WIM System Data (8/16/2024)
- Attachment E-Purdue WIM Report (8/16/2024)
- Attachement F-2024 Annual Meeting WIM Presentation (8/16/2024)
- Attachment G-Test Procedure Guidance (8/16/2024)
- Block 3
- Justification by the Milk Meter Task Group (07-05-2024)
Professional Development Committee Agenda-word version
Professional Development Committee Agenda-PDF version
National Type Evaluation Program Committee Agenda-word version
National Typre Evaluation Program Coimmittee Agenda-PDF version
Available closer to meeting date